
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is that a baby cow?!?!

Ok this is a little sad, and yet the funniest thing I have ever seen. A 120lb Great Dane voluntarily drinking from a bottle (it's puppy milk replacer). Mickey was actually very eager to drink his milk. The story behind this is that Lindsay and I had bottle fed some puppies for a few days and had a left over bottle in the fridge. Jokinly Mickey was being a "baby" and I offered him the bottle.......the rest is history lol

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Long time no updates.......

    Well it's been a while since I have blogged about Mickey and given his followers an update on his progress and I apologize. Not only have I been busy but my internet acess has been spiratic giving me little oportunity to get on the blog. So enough blabbering......

    Mickey had a fantastic Holiday even though he was snowed into the clinic TWICE! He finally made it home with me after the Holidays just after our most recent snowfall and he truly enjoyed galavanting in it. He spent more time outside than he did inside.
    Mickey also has a new friend, Saban is a Harlequin Great Dane puppy one of our wonderful doctors here at the clinic adopted just recently. Mickey hasn't been too great at meeting or making new friends at the clinic, but this time he has managed to make a new playmate! The boys love romping through the clinic and we love watching them just as much.
    Mickey has continued to gain and is over 120lbs now. He looks and feels great! He is also a mini celebrity since we made him subject of our clinic bulitin board complete with portions of his blog and plenty of pictures as well.

I promise to update more often and will be including plenty of pictures over the next few weeks.