
Sunday, November 21, 2010

What a handsome boy!!!

What a handsome boy he is turning into! Whoever dumped him was an idiot for giving up such a kind soul. We had a great weekend and Mickey really enjoyed the cool weather. His first task was racing through the yard and kicking up all the newly fallen leaves. He even chased a few squirrels!

After a long search I FINALLY found the charger to my camera and was able to get a few great shots of Mickey...which you see above :) So photogenic and willing to pose! My giant HAM!!! 

His stumpy tail is healing well and stitches come out tomorrow! He is much less of a mess maker and our bruises are finally healing from the past tail beatings. I'm glad we decided to "dock" his tail, and he hasn't seemed to mind one bit (after the E-collar came off) hehehe.

As we know Thanksgiving is fast approaching, Mickey will celebrate the holiday of giving THANKS with either myself of Lindsay. I think we are both dreading fighting him off all the yummy food! Yet it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without our boy around, since we are as thankful for him as he is for us...even if he is a spoiled brat sometimes. Mickey has been pushing his weight around lately (literally all 110lbs) he pulled one of the kennel techs down on Friday, face first into the gravel. She is fine....bruised, but fine. So this big lug is going to be getting a no pull harness and some lessons in manners. Is there a Great Dane finishing school?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

No it's not a treat funnel....although it can double as one! Mickey is not enjoying his E-collar, in fact he hates the idea of wearing it but it helps to keep him from licking his nub of a tail.

Surgery went well, no complications and I am happy to report that Mickey has no trouble wagging his new nub! While I wish we had been able to leave the tail....you know to keep his "Great Dane" look we were unable to get it to heal properly when it was in constant motion hitting walls, doors, and every one Mickey came across.

    Every mom has to include at least one embarassing photo lol! Mickey still sedated post surgery. I love the tounge sticking out as he drools more than usual all over himself. Poor guy did well though, and was somewhat standing within 30 minutes. He happily ate dinner (since we starved him all day) and hasn't complained since recovery. Now if we can just keep him from licking!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's cooling off...time to get out and PLAY!!!

Having fun at the dog park in Hixson


       Nothing like an afternoon of running at the dog park on a cool day. For Mickey it's not often that he gets to get out and run around like a fool, so he really let loose! He played with an array of pooches including a hound mix just about his size. He is still learning not to crowd the gate when new friends are coming in, but he can barely contain his excitement sometimes.

  It's been quite a week for Mickey, he really enjoyed Halloween and next year says he wants to go dressed as a dragon! He's gaining weight on a daily basis we are up to a whopping 106lbs with more to go. We won't be able to wrestle with him and WIN much longer.
  The census around the clinic is that Mickey is most definatley spoiled, he has his two moms to thank for that. While he is treated like a big baby we are trying to instil some manners and teach him that those giant feet of his hurt when slapped in the face, or groin. He does get plenty of love and attention, in fact the love is a part of his daily medication list (which by the way has finally been reduced to just his vitamins) something Mickey and I are both happy about, nothing like forcing pills down a Great Dane and having slobber up to your elbows afterward....YUCK!

Mickey and his new friend Lucas

  I truly beleive Mickey is enjoying his new life to see him walk through the clinic as if he owns the place brings a smile to my heart. In fact he walks around my house with the same attitude. He has claimed the overstuffed chair, taught us to open the door upon command, and has even trained the cats to move over and let him look out the window too. He has even become my alarm clock, not allowing me to sleep past 6am on my days off. Not that I can complain I managed to clean most of the upstairs all before 9 this morning. I love having him here but am happy in knowing that tomorrow he goes back to the clinic :)
  Speaking of tomorrow, it will be a big day for Mickey. We have decided it is past time to take care of his tail. It has been kept bandaged since Mickey's rescue due to an open woud at the tip we could not get to heal. Along with the wound we have discovered just how dangerous that tail can be....many of us have bruises and one or two possible black eyes. So tomorrow Mickey will have a portion of his tail amputated. Wish him luck and I promise to update (as long as my internet allows me to).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mickey the...................... TURTLE?

 Mickey went Trick or Treating as a turtle and boy was he adorable! He really enjoyed himself and so did
everyone handing out candy, he sure does make one BIG turtle :-)

Mickey wasn't the only four legged Trick or Treater either he was joined by a weenie dressed as a ghost and another as Lady Gaga!